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About blatteoscorpion

  • Birthday 11/09/1974

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    I am interested on breeding cockroaches and scorpions

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Eggcase (1/7)



  1. my Anisopygia: now i have 8 females and 3 males all adults and 1 medium sized ninph, i feed them with dog chow's, cat chow's, corn flakes, Plecostomus fish meal, apple and letuce, i keep them with dry leaves for shelter so today there are two females that have ootheca attached!! soon I'll give you more news of my Anisopygia
  2. yes i started 4 Holocompsa tolteca and 7 Holocompsa azteca (not reviewed the sexes ) in a small ventilated container with dry steriled sand, moistened only at one end of the container by a wet cotton to have a gradient of moisture and i fed them with dog chow's and corn flakes, not separated oothecas, I saw the first hatched nymphs in the same container, HOWEVER, a small cousin experienced putting water in my containers and all died. so i had no chance to collect them after I moved to live in an apartment.
  3. voila!! Dude here are two photos of my corydiids: Holocompsa tolteca und H. azteca and thankyou for the link!!
  4. don't know i have them in different formats, some are heavy
  5. synantropic cockroaches are species that are well established in human modified environments like crops, urban gardens, human dwelings, etc., not necesarily pests, only those that are well established in human dwelings, or crop damage, so there are few. i want add some few synantropic species, that are no pests, to Darren's list : BLATTELLIDAE or PSEUDOMOPINAE Anaplecta fallax Anaplecta decipiens Anisopygia latisecta Ischnoptera occidentalis Pseudomops interceptus POLYPHAGIDAE or CORIDIIDAE Homoeogamia mexicana
  6. you must take into account that the first 2 ootecas of oviparous species are not always fertile even though they were fertilized , this also happens with some pseudomops maybe you could try the system I did to raise the pseudomopids that I put in the forum, emphasizing that the egg cases of pseudomops should put them on a bed of wet squeezed toilet paper in an unventilated jar, this will ensure the humidity they need to hatch. I successfully raised Pseudomops interceptus and Pseudomops cinctus and these species are very prolific. Later I will try to send you some pictures of those who have now raising with that method
  7. wow!! precisely the same story like Euthlstoblatta and Latiblattella i raised 3 species of Pseudomops: P. cinctus, P. interceptus and P. discicollis cinctus and interceptus breed well, but discicollis do not all 3 are from cloud forest area but interceptus is a synanthropic species i have not idea what it's natural environment, discicollis, the smaller species lives in forest clearings near backwaters or marshes and the adults often suck nectar on wild sunflowers, interceptus also does it, and my favorit's cinctus lives in cloud forest litter always near rivers. in fact, in my previous house I lived in the urban area of cloud forest and there I had more space to breed many species: the species that i breed well were: Anisopygia latisecta Blaberus sp. “Tlaltetela cave” Caloblatta sp. “cloud forest” Euthlastoblatta orizabae Euthlastoblatta totonaca Homoeogamia mexicana Ischnoptera occidentalis Ischnoptera sp “near panamae” Latiblattella azteca Latiblattella vitrea Nyctibora sp “Mancha's Reserve” Periplaneta australasiae Periplaneta americana Panchlora azteca Panchlora nivea Pseudomops cinctus Pseudomops interceptus Pycnoscelus surinamensis species that were not achieved: Anaplecta decipiens Anaplecta fallax Eurycotis sp. “Quercus hight mountain” Euthlastoblatta (Aglaopteryx) chiapas Latiblattella tarasca Pseudomops discicollis Xestoblatta sp “cloud forest” what is bad I have no photos
  8. I have now one photo but have technical problems to post it i'm going to see that with a specialist
  9. yea, the mistake of confusing Panchlora with Xestoblatta is a tremendous shortsightedness! lol! really all kinds of cockroaches are good looking to me, my favourits are 1° Blattoids, 2° Pseudomopids and 3° Epilamprids
  10. yea! here are 3 species of corydiids: Holocompsa tolteca, Holocompsa azteca, Homoeogamia mexicana, i was collected all 3 species together in Quercus Three holes of the cloud forest so, Homoeogamia mexicana it's prolific and easy to breed! so have no photos
  11. get rid of pets must be a sad thing, but keep care to a baby is wonderfull, so, once you settle in with your new baby time you can see that maybe have time for a few pets and you can restart with some of these so can you give us a list of your pets for choose??
  12. yes, i agree with you. but you know where this cockroach is from? so speaking of Xestoblatta, here have a picture of one that i colected in the cloud forest, of course this guy is not so handsome!! lol!!
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