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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Yup just seems to be B Giganteus with these issues. Perhaps they weren't meant for captive breeding, with their expensive price and common die offs I see this fading in culture quickly unless someone figures out what's killing them.
  2. This is why people should purposely breed the different hybrid combos and carefully photo document their growth and instars and adult coloring and genital photos so we have a better guide to identify them and tell what each hybrid looks like. Whatever these are I've seen shipped to me from supposedly pure stock so it's obvious what we think is pure probably are hybrids by now anyway in most cases. I found them to be more vigorous in breeding and longetivity so in this case I think hybrids are beneficial.
  3. Last instar nymphs get strange die offs like really bloated but never shed or have unsuccessful shed, starvation when before they were healthy nymphs, and healthy one day dead the next. Pretty sure they need rotten wood and oak leaves as part of their diet and high protein amounts with some fruits and veggies.
  4. I heard hissers are affected by diet, but them too I raised and the offspring still varied in color on the same diet. I don't know of any resource or papers on it just word of mouth.
  5. Hopefully your findings help improve how we care for this species in captivity now that we know the habitat wild ones live in.
  6. So long as one parent has the mutation, in your case the female, you should get some light offspring. From there if you get light male and female offspring breed them together and many offspring will be light, or you could try buying dubia online but asking for any that are light colored if you want to keep genetic diversity.
  7. Are you willing to sell one, I've been looking to buy one and pay whoever can ship it to me. I have a 20 gallon tank set up for my pet hissers (no breeding) so this one would fit in perfectly.
  8. Do you get any reptile expos? I've been to some and some people let you sort through colonies and pick the roaches you want to buy.
  9. I heard there are multiple strains aswell from some asian guy that breeds them I asked online. He noted in the wild they are larger than in captivity, I asked because my female is as large as an average sized captive male im like what gives lol! He said I just took Really good care of her allowing her to reach full size because she is so healthy.
  10. I found your old topic! http://www.roachforum.com/index.php?showtopic=4626&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 I've been hoping for updated photos!
  11. I've selectively bred them, and the environment and diet had no effect on color. If I bred two light colored adults I got a few light colored offspring and some normal dark ones they all were in the same cage with same diet and I misted the cage with water every day or other day for good humidity so they weren't dry either. Genetics do play and role and selective breeding only the colorful ones you quickly in about 2 generations get great results. http://www.roachforum.com/index.php?showtopic=4329&st=0 Here is my old topic with photos, no fuss in breeding and the results were good.
  12. You probably brought them pregnant that's very common in pet stores that mix them up.
  13. Banana, Apple, romaine lettuce, cat kibble, white bread.
  14. Dubia are at the beach? Even land hermit crabs need salt water but that is bad for roaches.
  15. I have a 20 gallon setup with only males, about 8 all siblings. At first they do establish territory and one or two of the lower ones got a partial antennae clip but now they rarely bother one another and I've had the setup for 2 years already. They seem to live longer without females because when females are present they get aggressive and fight often which takes a toll on their health over time.
  16. I had two with the Orange coloring but both subadults died.
  17. There are loads of sassafras and black Cherry where I live and I've yet to ever see this moth or caterpillar. Perhaps all the light pollution affects them? I've seen a polyphemus moth, they are pretty cool
  18. I keep track of my hissers (all siblings) birthday too. This year mine will be two.
  19. I mist them with water using a spray bottle, even apples and oranges don't quench their thirst fully.
  20. I think the african bullfrog has fangs along with pacman frog.
  21. Lesser mealworms I find in the wild, under rotting wood in undisturbed fields with tall grass, they eat the grass and clover roots and adults fly and eat clover pollen and other things.
  22. Plants can help with this topic. Many plants are self fertile, yes pollen is male part but it's from the same plant. When you grow seed you get tiny differences from the parent in offspring which gives you diversity. Even in plant clones, sometimes a plant will get a mutation and develop variegated leaves, those are green leaves with splashes or white or yellow on them. You can grow a fully variegated plant from that one leaf. Ever seen those colorful grafted cactus? In red,pink, orange,etc... Well they develop new tiny cactus offsets on the bodies that are clones of the parent, but sometimes those clones present new mutations from previous Parents, like my purple cactus developed 1 pink offset out of many purple, meaning somewhere in lineage was a pink parent in the line. This is how new diversity comes to populations that don't have genetic diversity. Like Galapagos animals. My point is you might get some mutations but the species won't suffer from inbreeding if you keep isolating any you might be able to get new looking roach population. I know some parthenogenic species on rare occasions can produce a male and mate sexually, be on the lookout for this too.
  23. I never was able to get males that light, you've made serious progress!
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