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Everything posted by Hisserdude

  1. Got babies from these! 😁 Here's some pics of the babies, plus some better pictures of a couple adult females:
  2. Jealous, we don't have that strain of Archimandrita in the US hobby yet.
  3. Yeah most isopods actually seem to handle higher heat pretty well, BUT a lot of them need a high amount of ventilation to thrive in warmer environments.
  4. Yeah cat kibble works just fine as well, that's what I used to use for mine. 😄
  5. Looks like she may have had a prolapse... Either it'll dry and shrivel up, possibly fall off, and she'll heal (but never breed again). OR she'll die within a few weeks. Not much one can do in this situation, prolapses seem to be flukes mostly.
  6. Glad to see they're doing better now that they're warmer! Hope they keep breeding well!
  7. Cheap dog kibble works just fine for protein, and seems easier to work with than dried fish (less smelly too). 😅
  8. @Magnificent Beasts has tigers available (which are not grandidieri BTW, true grandidieri are not in culture and look nothing like the hobby "tigers". The tigers most likely represent a unique form of vanwaerebeki).
  9. @Allpet Roaches might have sexable G.oblongonota available. I'd recommend G.portentosa as a beginner hisser species, oblongonota can be a bit more finicky when it comes to breeding. However if size is more important to you, oblongonota are the clear winners.
  10. @Magnificent Beasts has most of the species you requested available. I've also got a few pure hisser strains available as well, and a couple ones that are brand new to the US hobby that I hope to make more widely available in the coming months. 😁
  11. For roaches? Coco fiber. 😂 With the exception of Panesthiinae, none of the hobby species need an edible substrate, and I use coconut fiber for all of them.
  12. Most of the older Macropanesthia populations here in the US all came from the same source stock I believe, they were apparently brought in from Japan, where they'd been legally imported from Australia. @Allpet Roaches likely knows more about their lineage.
  13. Nice, looks like a subadult right about to molt!
  14. Don't know how big/old yours are, but I put my few months old babies on only a CM of substrate when I first got them, but once they hit the year mark, half an inch of substrate would be fine.
  15. Pretty, I love teneral beetle coloration.
  16. Yeah GERMAN roaches are great at infesting houses... 😅 Americans, not so much thankfully.
  17. Man looking at my collection would KILL you then LOL... 😂 It's so haphazard and disorganized looking.
  18. American roaches generally can't breed inside your house, only outside... They'll often wander indoors looking for food, but that's the extent of their pestyness, their ooths need it pretty humid, more humid than the average human home.
  19. Got a single mated adult female and two ooths from Kyle at Roachcrossing, so far it looks VERY similar to E.diaphana, just a bit larger. We'll see what the nymphs look like, eventually. 😅
  20. My nymphs are doing well and developing their little reflective "Mirror Spots" now (which of course come out black on camera... 😑), snapped some pics of them last week:
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