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Allpet Roaches

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Everything posted by Allpet Roaches

  1. I've started some of mine with five or less, more is great though.
  2. Have you seen an adult Helleria? I've not even seen little ones.
  3. Welcome! Why not petroleum jelly?
  4. I heard only Florida skunk roaches really like it.
  5. They should be fine. Rocks are generally safe unless they are part copper or have been sprayed with pesticides.
  6. Nearby cages can see invaders if the cages allow them to climb out and many people end up with wild species in their cages because they don't properly treat the wood, leave, and moss going in.
  7. Welcome! Rhinoceros roaches are the best
  8. Sorry I'm not familiar with those. How big are they? Adults? Maybe Pachyiulus flavipes
  9. The common name common pillbug is from the species name vulgare which means common.
  10. I see some people use the mosquito dunks or bites available at many garden stores (chunks of material filled with entomophagus bacteria) which should be fine for crustaceans.
  11. I usually delete spambot threads but maybe not this one.
  12. The sqeaky pillbugs are a lot smaller but they might be a great alternative unless you're allergic to shrimp.
  13. If they don't work for your purposes there probably isn't an isopod that will. Maybe lawn shrimp or something else.
  14. They come to the surface for food but often from underneath. I've kept them close to 65F but not sure how much colder they would still be fine.
  15. I would say Trichorhina tomentosa are among the few true burrowers. Mostly just live in scrapes under objects but tomentosa are mostly in the dirt. Some of the other micros burrow, but not as much.
  16. I planted some seeds a few years back but I think I'm about 100 years from a flower. Not a bad potted plant but they grow like cactus vines and set roots in nearby pots.
  17. Welcome! There are a lot of neat ones.
  18. I say Blaberus, mesh is probably way too wide for ectobiid babies
  19. I'm going to guess A. vulgare and Porcellio spinicornis. Mostly in Michigan you're going to see Porcellio scaber and Armadillidium vulgare but A. nasastum, Oniscus, and Porcellionides aren't too rare. Armadillidium roll into balls. These are all European adventives, you won't find much else.
  20. Welcome to the unloved mantis forum! (referring to the close relation of cockroaches and mantids and lack of general appreciation for blattids)
  21. In this area here eremicola are the common ones and scabra are the rare ones.
  22. Welcome, there are a lot of nice roaches one can find today and it sounds like you probably have a couple neat ones I've never seen in person. I think all the natives are beautiful species (but would be super unimpressed if they were exotics).
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