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Test Account

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Everything posted by Test Account

  1. "Hind wing with very dark anterior field, posterior field distinctly lighter." There is a picture of the hindwing in the article. The front half of the hindwing is more leathery than the back half, which is probably why the colors differ between them
  2. Well, people actually buy springtails to put in roach tanks on certain occasions some springer spp can stress some roaches, but this seems very rare
  3. Don't worry, it's definitely the correct forum section I specialize in eating research papers for lunch; here's what I found "Abdominal tergites black with broad yellow anterior borders" http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1665/1082-6467(2004)013[0057:ANGASO]2.0.CO%3B2#/doi/abs/10.1665/1082-6467(2004)013[0057:ANGASO]2.0.CO%3B2 In other words, the entire dorsal surface of the roach's abdomen is striped w black and yellow, including the parts hidden by wings Good luck with your book! I'm glad that non-pest roach species are starting to appear in popular sci literature
  4. With dryness-proof beetles like darklings and some carabids, I serve their food on "dishes" to avoid dirtying the floor. The rest of the cage has no moisture, discouraging mold. Unlike many beetles, a number of roaches tend to be more dessication-prone (is this true for Dubias?). Maybe putting food dishes at a dry area and making a wet corner will prove useful. Beware, roaches can carry small food items w mouth, so make sure the food is heavy
  5. Before the recent forum update, the rank symbol and the Liked Post symbol were the same It appears that 1 like = 1 rank point, because members go up by one after I like their posts
  6. no pictures this is just a ridiculous idea I thought up; I doubt any real Periplaneta reaches half a foot long
  7. I am pretty sure that setup does NOT work for a number of ground invertebrates. Many of the more skittish species need objects to be under; otherwise they may show abnormal behaviors or stress. It may prove useful for some types though. I have noticed that garden Armadillidium are surface active during all hours, including noon.
  8. Microwaves can heat unevenly. I often find one side of my food sizzling and the other side still frozen Do note that not all dipteran larvae look like maggots. Some (especially those of nematocerans, like gnats) are long and wormy. I guess you either have long thin dipteran larvae or nematodes. Probably harmless either way
  9. In many roaches, the male feeds the female with secretions. Detailed info is available in the mating chapter: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.researchgate.net/file.PostFileLoader.html%3Fid%3D57eb2559b0366d11f16bb2f6%26assetKey%3DAS%3A411112697810944%401475028313142&ved=2ahUKEwihqPHq0JDbAhWE5IMKHZ5XDyAQFjADegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw0kGami7UciLaFRTkdl2R8Z
  10. Another possibility: your decaying roach has become maggot food If I were you I would not worry. Scavenger invertebrates are more common than parasitic ones in many captive-bred insects of course, we need photos to confirm identity. Have any?
  11. I have been fiddling behind the scenes for months Death to Terminix! https://sp-uns.blogspot.com/2018/05/campaigning-while-headless.html?m=0
  12. That would be an excellent outreach strategy! It will catch many game enthusiasts by surprise
  13. The roachcrossing.com caresheet has instructions
  14. When they are freshly molted, the animals are squishy, white, and thus more chewable. I imagine most predators would easily handle young nymphs, whether freshly molted or not
  15. Disclaimer: Not trying to argue; comments below are for the sake of myth-prevention Periplaneta americana, the American roach, has been proven to have an excellent memory. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.bioone.org/doi/pdf/10.2108/zsj.18.21&ved=2ahUKEwi-v8y4uuraAhXPtVkKHaZJAt0QFjAAegQICRAB&usg=AOvVaw2R56gPNwnVV_UMJIwIsV_h Research has also shown that Blattella germanica (German) has long-term memory and the ability to remember cage landmarks for visual navigation. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/255641206_HOW_DO_BLATTELLA_GERMANICA_L_AGGREGATE I don't know what species you keep, but: These two houseroaches belong to different superfamilies and are built similarly to most roaches; it is thus rather safe to assume that other roaches with "typical" habits have similarly good memory capacity as well (of course, some roaches with extremely unusual biology might have reduced memory capacity to improve biological fitness). Conclusion: Your roaches' apparent poor memory is probably not a poor memory at all. One likely possibility is that they are simply just being instinctively paranoid (better to err on the side of caution) and are thus too timid to habituate to your handling when you lack food.
  16. That's good. I'm not sure what is happening, but your python idea seems plausible. Another possibility is that the roach is instinctively unwilling to leave its shelter after eating its fill, because this would cause increased predation risk outdoors.
  17. Where did you hear the "awful memory" thing? It smells like a myth. It seems likely that your roach detects edible residue on your finger. The same thing has happened to me with wild pillbugs after I handled old dog food, after all.
  18. Is the animal sitting around in broad daylight during such events?
  19. I'm not sure how much is needed, but there's probably info in the Feeding chapter here https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.researchgate.net/file.PostFileLoader.html%3Fid%3D57eb2559b0366d11f16bb2f6%26assetKey%3DAS%3A411112697810944%401475028313142&ved=2ahUKEwjntu-S-eLaAhUnq1kKHZypDwAQFjADegQIBhAB&usg=AOvVaw0kGami7UciLaFRTkdl2R8Z Do give your roaches more vegetables and fruits, though. Periplaneta aren't mantises
  20. This is true of wild Ectobius, since it is highly seasonal. https://books.google.com/books?id=R7eVRP08kasC&pg=PA44&lpg=PA44&dq=ectobius+"short-lived"&source=bl&ots=8-bxflLVsD&sig=vi2-xTptF0tptn86iI2E9LWTsTQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjDhpuY99PaAhWL0FMKHTwVAUsQ6AEILzAB#v=onepage&q=ectobius "short-lived"&f=false It is possible that artificially-simulated seasons may be important for the health of E in captivity as well.
  21. @Roachinator @Marlon Not trying to be rude/annoying here, but as roach enthusiasts we must NEVER TRUST NEWSPAPERS https://askentomologists.com/2016/07/31/cockroach-milk-is-not-the-next-superfood/ Also, the picture in that newspaper website is incorrect. The idiot editors decided to use a pic of Periplaneta americana/brunnea. The "milkroach" in question is Diploptera punctata; Periplaneta are ordinary city roaches. PS: Diploptera punctata is common in the roach hobby
  22. Hisserdude: “Just read in Orin's book that the females can give birth two to three times a year, and that they often will not give birth until six months to a year after all the males have died off. Looks like I got a long wait ahead of me lol, at least I know they aren't giving birth because of bad husbandry on my part.”
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