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Cariblatta lutea

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Everything posted by Cariblatta lutea

  1. Yep and it seems that these are easy to raise and breed so I'm sure they'll become common in the hobby! Thank you
  2. Thank you I really hope they are easy to breed since I'm getting some CA ones this week! I'd hate to see them perish under my care! Thank you So far they've doing ok for me
  3. I got super lucky with these guys. My male was presub when I caught it and the female was 3 molts behind from catching up with the male so I kept my male cool to slow down his metabolism. When I though my female had caught up with the male my male molted into sub and my female molted into an adult. lol Luckily the male caught up fairly quickly and 3 days after it molted to adult it paired up with my female! Now I have around 30 little nymphs running in the enclosure (even though I sent out around 20 to my friends) and my female is still kicking so I expect to get more nymphs soon.
  4. Here's a species I've been dreaming of acquiring! I was able to collect more than a dozen while I was staying in El Paso, TX
  5. You are welcome Adults are only 0.35" ish in length! Yep. They are quite small
  6. Here are some pics of the first ones that landed into the hobby
  7. Time to clear out my paypal account. LOL
  8. Indeed! If it has ventilated lid then I'd recommend lubbers instead of amblypygids.
  9. Neat whip spider from TX. I only had one for a while, but I managed to collect 10 on a trip this week!
  10. You can simply set up a light trap or check gas station lights (can't be LED lights). You can also find them by flipping logs. I caught a female L. elaphus and L. capreolus today while flipping logs.
  11. I had some problem with entomophagous fungi that'd wipe out my cultures so I put gloves on as one of the preventive measure.
  12. Thanks Got some ooths so hopefully I'll see babies soon!
  13. He lives in GA. About 3 hr drive from my house
  14. Definitely! Whenever I lift up an egg flat to check on them they go nuts! One of them even jumped out of the container while I was trying to put back the egg flat to its original place!
  15. Females have pointy tip on the last segment (which often extends past the wings) while the males have round tip. Female : http://bugguide.net/node/view/307087/bgimage Male : http://bugguide.net/node/view/918862/bgimage
  16. I'd need at least a pair or two so I could breed them
  17. I'd trade u some of those masked hunters for Eurycotis imporcera
  18. Only about 1.1" in length. This is probably the smallest species of Eurycotis available in the hobby! (unless sp. "Venezuela is smaller)
  19. Man....you are going to be so broke before I come back from FL. LOL
  20. Some pics of the nymphs. Turns out this species is easy to raise
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