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Vulgaris's Achievements


Subadult (3/7)



  1. Its been a few months and the first of this generation are starting to reach adult hood. I saw a newly molted female yesterday. There is an overwhelming number of them now_ must be a hundred or more. You guys WOULD NOT BELIEVE how much food they go through every night. Handfuls and handfuls of fishfood, chicken food, and fresh apple go into the cage every night and it is all gone by morning As to if I am able to keep this colony much longer, I doubt it. I'm going back to school next month and mom refuses to take care of them again. Even if she did agree, the numbers are so large they would be unmanageable for her. So hopefully if I release 3/4 of them, she will take care of them for me and they can re populate
  2. I've always found nymphs of Parcoblatta living in the nest boxes of my Vespula colonies. In fact this past week there was one actually sitting on top of the nest in the folds of the envelope. I think they just take advantage of the shelter and feed on the waste from the colonies
  3. I'm home for the summer now and most of the adults in my colony have died off. There are still occasional adult females but no males. There are a lot of sub adult numphs, and TONS of hatchlings. I would go as far as saying maybe a few hundred. This is just one of the 4 egg crates...
  4. All of the pennsylvanica females have wings like that. I've never seen one with short wings. I honestly don't know about the ID of the others. There are lots of different possibilities of which none can be really proven without an expert I think I saw some nymphs hatching yesterday. Unfortunately I had to leave though. 4 more weeks until I will be home for the summer. The enclosure was crawling with nymphs though!
  5. I got to check on the colony today. All the males are now gone. There are just females, nymphs, and hatchlings left now. Yes, I did see some new born nymphs in the tank!! woo! And the bottom of the cage is littered with all different kinds of oothecae. And here are 3 different females which happened to be together for a good photo. There is still another kind of orange one in there which I havn't photographed
  6. The die off of the males has begun. I came home today for mother's birthday and I checked on the roaches. I removed all these dead males from the floor of the colony. Not a single dead female, and about 50% of the females are carrying a oothecae.
  7. Nah they are pretty darn small. Especially the females
  8. I already did. We apparently need a microscope to see the hairs. They were not visible to the naked eye, and do not show up in my photo that I got
  9. More pics while I am home! I'm sure you hate to hear it, but I have been feeding off a few males each day. There are just so many of them that it is probably healthy for the colony to get rid of a few Both species are reproducing, and there are still plenty of nymphs! Here is a male and female of the orange variety. The female has an ootheca
  10. a few chaotic males slipped out when I opened the lid to feed them yesterday. My anoles thoroughly enjoyed them
  11. I'm not sure what factors control the wing length I lifted up the food dish today to find all of these beauties
  12. Home for spring break. The roaches are seriously too much for the size of enclosure. They can't possibly keep multiplying with that high of a pop density. There are plenty of orange females and males, so they have their own population too There are various colors of oothecae that I can see buried in the bottom Here is the female that I found in my spare room a while back. she has matured and is larger than all the other females. The wings are also shaped differently
  13. Congratulations! That is a major accomplishment.
  14. Awesome! I got to observe a mating frenzy tonight, and I found out how they court. I always wondered about it, and was actually going to post a question about how the males go about courting. Well, I answered my own question! You guys are probably getting sick of the updates. It will stop once I go back to school tomorrow. lol http://bugguide.net/node/view/488834 & here's a photo of the food dish after dark. The adult males really are not interested much in eating
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