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Sleepy Lemur

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Everything posted by Sleepy Lemur

  1. Agreed, insignis reproduce insanely fast if given adequate heat and moisture.
  2. The term "hisser" applies to pretty much any roach that produces a hissing sound, this includes many species from several different genera, most are found in Madagascar. Elliptorhina may be known as "dwarf" hissers and include species like javanica, laevigata, and chopardi. Elliptorhina will not hybridize with, say Gromphodorhina, which is what you have here. Gromphodorhina includes larger species that still produce the hissing sound, like Oblongonata, grandidieri, and portentosa. Aeluropoda also produce "hissing" sounds, but will not hybridize with the above two genera.
  3. Unfortunately I have not. I lost 2 adults a few weeks ago for unknown reasons, so it isn't looking great at this point.
  4. In my experience, only the adults produce the odor. I never noticed it while my Eublaberus ivory were still nymphs, yet as soon as they reached adulthood the odor is apparent every time they are disturbed. same goes for all my Blaberus species.
  5. Good to see they are doing so well. The bark you use looks really nice too.
  6. I've found with these bins, side ventilation is crucial to prevent smell and allow adequate ventilation. Use a 2"-2.5" hole saw to drill 1-4 holes total, it will greatly reduce smell.
  7. If you have a secure lid and petroleum jelly smeared around the top 2" or so of the enclosure, you shouldn't have any escapees.
  8. They look fine to me. If they're mature, and there are males in the enclosure, they are likely gravid, and the inflated look of the abdomen is normal. As far as separating the young, there isn't much point in it, unless you want to have a seperate enclosure to observe them in or something.
  9. Haha that's my group Roach paradise is another good one.
  10. Facebook has been great for me. I've met several like minded roach hobbyists who I've sold and traded with. There are several Cockroach Facebook groups too.
  11. Very interesting. I wondered why I did not have see any nymphs since I bought them back in November, then all at once I see nymphs and the mom running around.
  12. They have a large supply of dead, dried oak leaves. Yes, that's basically all they eat really, and occasionally fish pellets or Apple. I should add, this is the only one even close to this size out of perhaps 15-20 adults.
  13. Another picture, next to an American quarter for comparison:
  14. Today while misting my Gyna caffrorum colony, I noticed something very strange. Usually, while misting, several adults will come out of hiding and run around a bit before burrowing back down. I have not measured my Gyna caffrorum, but I'd say the adults average around 1" in size, some slightly larger than others. But out of nowhere, this massive individual climbs atop the egg carton, and quickly disappears. Being quite surprised by his size (hes easily twice as big as any other individual), I decided to painstakingly dig him out for a few pictures. Has anyone else had freakishly large individuals pop up in their colonies? Sorry for the bad pictures. I did place him into another container with an average-sized individual to try to show just how big he is.
  15. I imagine with school, work, life, and trying to properly maintain a considerable number of roach species, he has difficulties at times getting his site updated. If there's something in particular you're looking for, it never hurts to email him and ask what he has. I've done it in the past. Just because it isn't listed doesn't mean he doesn't have it.
  16. Neat species. They're so much lighter in color than the corydiids I'm used to seeing. Good luck with the breeding!
  17. Thanks yeah, they're A beautiful species, hopefully nymphs are in my future.
  18. One of 3 adult Dorylaea orini, still waiting on some to mature.
  19. Wow, the almost triangular pronotums are very cool looking! Neat species.
  20. Also, Atropos seem to do well in a pretty humid environment, while fusca seem to breed well with drier conditions.
  21. Well, you may be right about them not hybridizing. I wouldn't know as they were kept in different bins, the Atropos in their own airtight bin (I'm kind of paranoid about hybrids... Just a little).
  22. Both strains originated from roach crossing. Definately pure. And if I'm not mistaken, this fusca strain came from Orin before that.
  23. An old picture from when they first arrived. They are breeding very well so far, dozens of young all over the enclosure. They love fish flakes and carrots.
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