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Found 6 results

  1. The first few months last November when I got my Halloween issuers they had tons of nymphs after that for the next 6 months nothing. And during this summer the have had two litters of nymphs. Finally feels like these guys are going somewhere agian, the nymphs are starting to grow up very quickly. Been a bit sense my last post mainly been busy.
  2. My second ever roach specie I got into and I will always love the bright reds on female javanicas they are definitely such an awesome specie, anyways here’s a nice photo that Allpet roaches actually accepted.
  3. Yesterday when checking in my heavily pregnant female javanica I noticed she was not chunky anymore and thought she aborted her babies but instead I saw many nymphs suffering through the substrate! Finally after many months of no reproduction it has finally happend! (I will post photos if All-pet roaches website lets me)
  4. I have been keeping Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) for about a year and a half, and I'm interested in branching out to keeping halloween hissers, but I understand that (unlike MHCs) halloween hissers are regulated by the USDA and require a permit to legally keep or transport across state lines. Has anyone here gone through the process of trying to acquire these permits for halloween hissers? I have successfully been through the process of getting PPQ 526 permits for my isopods thanks to Supreme Gecko's thorough YouTube video on the subject, but I have no idea what the requirements might be for Elliptorhina javanica. I intend to email APHIS to ask, but if any of you have insight to share about the process it would be much appreciated!
  5. Not much info on these gorgeous little buddies, beyond comparisons to G. portentosa. I read an article concerning the latter and how they form bonds with individuals that take the time to pet them. They learn the scent, and react hissy towards strangers. I have been bonding with my male daily, leaving the obviously gravid female on her own because i do not want to risk stressing her into miscarrying. I am not sure if he enjoys the light pets i give him, but he has however grown quite tolerant of my affection. At first he never stopped hissing when i touched him, then transitioning into objectionable hisses when he was removed from his enclosure for petting but not hissing a peep once he was in my hands. We've now reached the point of total calmness when he is removed and petted. Is there a resource I can't seem to find that goes into greater detail about this sp? I am not sure how similar javanica and portentosa truly are beyond similar care and behavior. I am interested in the relationship they and similar species have with humans, and why they grow tolerant for such a primitive insect as if they can indeed form a bond with another species. My first guess is their communal nature, but i feel there is a lot more to learn from this species.
  6. Hello! Ive had my four male gromphadorhina portentosa roaches for several months and I feel pretty confident in their care. Since I feel a lot more relaxed about my first roach children I was looking into getting another species for my birthday in the summer. Right now I have my eye on either Gyna centurio, Archimandrita tesselata, or Elliptorhina javanica. I want two of whatever I decide (not necessarily a breeding pair but just two to have housed seperately). Does anyone have any idea on which I should get? I figured Id pick what kind first and then find somewhere with a reasonable price (suggestions for those are welcome too LOL) Id also like to thank the community for being here I know Im not very active but it's nice to know theres people willing to help if I would ever need any. (P.S. Gyna centurio can fly right? Yeah....is there any way to deal with that? Im not scared at all or anything like that but I woulsnt want to hurt the roach(es))
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