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Dry food recommendations?


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Hey everyone...

I am wondering what kind of dry foods you use for your roaches. I have hissers and I have tried cat food and reptile food so far and not much interest in either. They were only interested in the veggies and fruit I put in, and only slightly.

any suggestions?

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Do they really like either more than the other? They don't really seem to have much interest in the cat food I gave them, but it was more interest than the reptile food.

Have you tried the feeder insect food?

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Thank you all for your suggestions! I am going to try the pond sticks again and I have gotten the iguana fruit pellets. I just moved them into a different enclosure, where the heat and the humidity seems to be better regulated than in their old one. They are actually moving around more and not hanging out in the same spot the whole time. Maybe this will help too!

I am trying out the Total Bites too. I will let you know how they work out!

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