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What about Mole Crickets?


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I was looking for a new feeder, not that roaches are bad, they are actually the best thing available. I am just looking for variety. I cam across mole crickets, camel crickets, Jerusalem crickets, armored crickets, etc you get the point. Some of these guys dont jump like the regular black or brown crickets. Has anyone heard of breeding any of these exotic crickets for reptile/spider food? thanks! :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure how mole crickets would do as a feeder. They live underground most of the time, eat that plant roots and desiccated material, and can fly. Camel crickets jump exceedingly well, but are noiseless. Jerusalem crickets and "armored crickets" (katydids) are more pet worthy IMO, but they are so big and powerful that they would be tough to take down.

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  • 1 month later...

So I googled camel crickets (Diestrammena asynamora) and saw an image. Never realized that that is what infested our home for years. I hate those things so much. House crickets are tolerable but for some reason camel crickets make my skin crawl. German cockroaches as well. Maybe it's because I had to cohab with them for so many years.

I would be worried about the Jerusalem crickets bite. I know house crickets bite and judging from the size of a jerusalem cricket I would think it to be much worse. I guess it depends on the predator though. My frog is very sedentary and the cricket could take a whack at him while he was resting. I've known house crickets to chomp on em until the bites are infected. Is it possible the cricket could put up a fight during capture as well?

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Oh, I love camel crickets! Been raising some Ceuthophilus for a while, until my last male died and now I just have a couple o' females waiting for summer. :( Anyway, I wouldn't suggest using Jerusalem crickets to feed smallish/sluggish animals. Ever.

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  • 1 month later...
Oh, I love camel crickets! Been raising some Ceuthophilus for a while, until my last male died and now I just have a couple o' females waiting for summer.

How were you keeping your camel crickets to get them to breed? When I visited New Jersey a few years back I brought a box of them home, but had no success in getting them to breed.

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I recreated a sort of woodland habitat, with 2'' of common dirt. I used live plants and wood for furniture. From one gravid female, I got around 30 young, but lots were eaten by a centipede before I noticed. :angry:

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