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What Species is This?

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It's B. colosseus. I might get some sometime. They're a lot plainer than giganteus, and that size sounds right for a small one. Maybe Orin or Matt can confirm though.

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It's B. colosseus. I might get some sometime. They're a lot plainer than giganteus, and that size sounds right for a small one. Maybe Orin or Matt can confirm though.

That certainly appears to be a Blaberus colloseus in the photo.

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Did you check to see if it's a male? The coloration looks similar to B. colloseus but coloration can be quite variable in that genus and 60mm would be tiny for a female.

I'm not sure on the sex of the roach. It did get relisted sometime yesterday and now the size states that it is +60mm leading me to think it was bigger than previously advertised.

Here is the auction link:

Blatidae Very Big!!! Blaberus giganteus +60mm Peru!!!!

That's cool they have roaches on ebay lol

You can sell dried or live roaches on ebay if they are labelled as reptile supplies. I was suprised to learn that, too!

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