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Feeding Germans


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I've been feeding my Germans tropical fish flakes. A pet shop boy recommended them for crickets that they had all the nutrition they need. Since crickets and roaches are similar, I've fed the flakes not only to the Germans but also to Discoid and they've both done well with them. This time, I picked up Gold fish flakes by mistake. They should have similar nutrients shouldn't they?

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They should have the same nutrients. However, dog food also works, and it is cheaper than most fish foods. Just a suggestion. :)

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Should be just fine! I often feed my tropical fish the goldfish flakes... they are cheaper, and my "tropical fish" are mostly guppies descended from a bunch of feeders that a student gave me once upon a time, so they are very low maintenance. But I agree with hisserdude about dog food... at least as supplement. The local pet store gives out free "sample" bags of dog food, so I pick one or two up every time I stop in... one sample bag lasts my roaches well over a month, and it is NOT my primary food (fruits, veggies, and grain-based cereals are my primary diet)

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Any animal needs water. I give my roaches Fluker's Cricket Quencher gell. It doesn't dehydrate nearly as fast as when wetting cotton balls or whatever. Also safer for them than a water dish.

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