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Mold Growing on Hisser?


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I noticed that there's this weird yellow substance on the side of one of my hisser nymphs. Is this a mold? Should I be concerned? Can I remove it in any way?

I know the pic is terrible, but it shows what's going on well enough.


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Can't see exactly what's going on in the pic but I'd definitely separate him immediately and see how he does, you don't want whatever it is spreading...

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Can't see exactly what's going on in the pic but I'd definitely separate him immediately and see how he does, you don't want whatever it is spreading...

Here's a better pic:


That first picture was probably the worst photo I've taken in my life, lol.

The hisser has been isoloated, and it doesn't look like it's spread to any of the others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't quite know what that stuff is, looks fungal, but I've never seen anything like it before, not to say no one else has though. I'd still keep it isolated and try wiping some off like UncommonRoachBoy said. Let us know how it does!

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