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About EffeCi

  • Birthday 09/15/1961

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    Milano, Italy

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Nymph (2/7)



  1. I saw your silverfish culture photographs and had some questions.

  2. A Blattella germanica nymph, no doubts... A friend of mine found three of them in a cricket tube he bought in an animal store... so that's not so strange... Blattella is so invasive...
  3. I have a tea cup with the same picture... bought on ebay...
  4. I'm breeding around 60 different species... May be something is wrong with me? Help...
  5. They look like a male and two nymphs of Blatta lateralis....
  6. Pycnoscelus surinamensis.... and also Polyphaga aegyptiaca can make some parthenogenetic generations
  7. I've eliminated substrate in all my hisser's boxes (Gromphadorhina portentosa, G.grandidieri, G.oblongonata, Elliptorhina chopardi, Princisia sp.)... only eggcrates and three little dishes (petri) for dry food (pond sticks), fresh food (veggies and fruits) and water crystals... Only half of the box is heated. They're breeding a lot, growing fast and happy....
  8. I've data for the most common pest species... but they're referred to 30°C temperature... Temperature (but also food, humidity and other factors) has a remarkable influence on ootheca's number, births for ootheca, number of matings, etc.
  9. In the south of Italy, this is a pest species....
  10. Yeah, it looks like a subadult of the golden kind...
  11. I'm a professional pest control operator.. and I've seen many times the presence of bedbug and german cockroaches in the same infested houses... And there was a big infestation of both species...
  12. I bought 30 of them from a german breeder just one year ago... now they're more than 240...
  13. Nymphs have no problems of humidity, so they grow quick and well even in a dry environment. But adults needs a relatively high humidity tax to live and reproduce. I lost my first colony of Panchlora, some years ago, keeping them too dry.
  14. My eggcases have started to hatch in these days too... We have experimented Deropeltis erythrocephala ("Mombasa") as feeder for tarantulas, and it seems to work well... but spiders have external digestion, so they seem to be not disturbed by quinons...
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