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About HisserLove

  • Birthday 09/30/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Virginia
  • Interests
    My Pet Hissers, Entomology

HisserLove's Achievements


Eggcase (1/7)



  1. I'm wondering about th same thing right now... I'm wanting to clean my substrate but don't want to lose any nymphs... it would be good to get an answer on this topic.
  2. Like I said on the welcome page I am Peri and new to cockroach enthusiasm but very eager to get deep into the hobby. I have 3 pet roaches and I believe I have two males and one female. They are at the end of their nymph stage and getting ready to molt for the last time. I would like to breed them. The problem that I have with this is that once I start breeding them the colony will continue to grow. What happens when it gets really large, you cant have a thousand roaches, or at least I don't want that many. I would like to have 3 small colonies of different roaches. Also keep in mind that I love the roaches and destroying them would never be an option. What do you guys do to control the colony? Any ideas or thoughts? I would love them all.
  3. Thank u! There r more pictures of my friends and I on my web page. I just put photos today of them playing on the leaves of my tulips.
  4. Thank you everyone. He is a handsome roach isn't he?! He's kind of self conscious because he broke his antennae a while back but I tell him he's good looking every chance I get.
  5. Hi there everyone! My name is Peri! I love my pet hissers, but I'm new to them. I only have three right now but I would love them to breed and make a colony. I found this forum and signed up because I would really enjoy meeting other roach enthusiasts. Anyone with pet Hisser hit me up I would love to chat about research, breeding, entomology, anything roach related. I would love any tips for keeping my hissers happy as well as any research that could be done with them. I don't know of anyone around where I live who likes roaches so I am so looking forward to this community. I got tons of pictures up on my website about my MHC www.facebook.com/HisserLove
  6. Here's an article about putting trackers on Hissers to find earthquake victims. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/technology/2012/09/earthquake-first-responders-cockroaches/
  7. I only have 3 hissers and the never hiss unless I touch them. I would like them to breed but they are still nymphs. If I record a hiss from them being touched and play it back to them then I could see what they do? And I thought all roaches at least with G. portentosa that they could all live together at all stages and the adults would not attack the nymphs. I would love any research you have done about them. I'm reading Gross Internal Anatomy of the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Gromphadorhina portentosa by DAILEY, PATRICK J and GRAVES, ROBERT C. I got it from Marshall University down in their archives. It is an awesomely detailed article about the MHC. I just love the research.
  8. I think its awesome that you came up with this idea! I met my pet hissers at a brain expo at Marshall University. I fell in love with pet roaches and entomology in general. I believe there is much to be gained by their study. What other ideas do you have about your pet roaches?
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