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Ratmosphere last won the day on October 30 2016

Ratmosphere had the most liked content!

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  1. In the amount of time that he didn't answer, I added some new inverts to my collection. Think I have enough for now! Was going to get them for myself as a Christmas gift but everything worked out. Still want them in the future!
  2. Follow me on Instagram @plantbasedjimbone !
  3. Does this same principle stand for giant burrowing cockroaches? Wouldn't want to purchase them if I could be/can get allergic to them.
  4. Still nothing, very frustrating.
  5. Woo! Thanks dude. And no man, not yet. Hopefully this weekend he can get to my email!
  6. I'm trying to get the 50/50 ratio right but keep adding more than the other. Now I think I have too much soil than sand! You can see the sand clearly when you clump the substrate though. What do you think?
  7. Should I take some out of the mixture I have already and add more soil?
  8. Looks like he's going to be back soon. All I can do now is anxiously await an email back!
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