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The Awesome Hemiblabera tenebricosa (Horseshoe Crab Roach)

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My Hemiblabera tenebricosa (Horseshoe Crab Roach) have reached maturity and have reproduced. If you do not have this species I would highly recommend getting them. They are so cool. They have become one of my favorite pet roaches ever and I have owned a bunch of roach species. They are one of the best roaches for handling as they are very calm and seem to be very inquisitive. I have them in a flat Sterilite container with 2 inches of moist coir covered with 2 inches of hardwood leaves. I keep them between 70 and 78 F and feed them hardwood leaves and dry dog food kibble.

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Oh, ya...I still have them. They are so awesome. They are great for holding and are so super cute. I am not sure how many I have...maybe over 50 now? I need to split the colony. I'm not sure if I will ever get pics and video of them but if you Google Image them you will find some pics. It is very cool to show people how big and thick an indigenous U.S. roach can get. They are usually pretty surprised. :)

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I just ordered some of these, and I was wondering, how long does it usually take for a nymph to become an adult? Thanks in advance!

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