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what is this's scientific name?


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hi,I'm korean boy who likes cockroach.

first,sorry of my english ability.

picture is not mine.

snapper of this photo said,

"it takes from Guatemala,i saw this white roach and another green roach."

i don't know this roach's name.

what is it?

PS:I suppose the green roach would be Panchola nivea,right?

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That's a really great roach from Guatemala!

There are more than 35 Panchlora species found in the tropical Americas and West Indies. The green roach your friend saw is likely a Panchlora species but probably not P. nivea. The white roach you have pictured looks like a real 'white Panchlora' (it's not freshly molted as it wouldn't have the dark colors and wouldn't be able to fly to a light: that appears to be a photo of part of a sheet where bugs have landed from light collecting).

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That's a really great roach from Guatemala!

There are more than 35 Panchlora species found in the tropical Americas and West Indies. The green roach your friend saw is likely a Panchlora species but probably not P. nivea. The white roach you have pictured looks like a real 'white Panchlora' (it's not freshly molted as it wouldn't have the dark colors and wouldn't be able to fly to a light: that appears to be a photo of part of a sheet where bugs have landed from light collecting).

he is not my friend.

he is very order than me,and i don't know him.

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