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species of hissers

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I am collecting as many species of hissers as possible.  How many and what are the hisser species?


I also am interested in the emerald roach.  


The lobster roach and pepper roach also have my interest.

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In the US hobby, for pure hissers we have:

Aeluropoda insignis 

Elliptorhina chopardi

Elliptorhina davidil

Elliptorhina javanica

Elliptorhina laevigata

Gromphadorhina oblongonata

Gromphadorhina portentosa (Multiple pure strains/morphs now)

Gromphadorhina sp. "Unidentified"

Princisia vanwaerbeki "Androhamana"

Princisia vanwaerbeki "Big/Black"

Princisia vanwaerebeki "Tiger"

In Russia they also have Elliptorhina coquereliana, hopefully those will make it to the US hobby one day as well.

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I don't know if my colonies are pure???  I now know I have a lot of collecting to do.  🙂  Many thanks for the list.

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