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my first roaches

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I just got my first pet roaches, 11 Turks and 11 hissers. My question is, is it normal for the hissers to just sit around and not do much? They are still young, about 1-1 1/2 inch right now. The Turks are much more active, running around everywhere. I am a little concerned because it took longer for them to get here than I expected. They were sent Priority Mail on Wed., I expected them before the weekend, but they didn't arrive until Monday. The hissers have moved around some but not nearly as much as the Turks. TIA for any input!

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I just got my first pet roaches, 11 Turks and 11 hissers. My question is, is it normal for the hissers to just sit around and not do much? They are still young, about 1-1 1/2 inch right now. The Turks are much more active, running around everywhere. I am a little concerned because it took longer for them to get here than I expected. They were sent Priority Mail on Wed., I expected them before the weekend, but they didn't arrive until Monday. The hissers have moved around some but not nearly as much as the Turks. TIA for any input!

Turkistan roaches (Blatta lateralis) are a fairly active roach in comparison to hissers (normals= Gromphadorhina portentosa). Most roach species are at rest during the day, and active at night. Even still, hissers are not fast moving nor very active most of the time unless they are kept very warm/ too hot, which can cause them to move more quickly but not more often (usually). If both of your roach species are eating anything then it sounds like they are behaving normally.

Typicaly delays in shipping result in dead roaches either immediately or within a few days. Since they are alive you could assume they are fine.

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I noticed that my hissers are active at night. i would becareful not to mix my Blatta lateralis with the Gromphadorhina portentosa. I mixed my B. lateralis with my B. dubia in the past and the B. lateralis was attacking my molting B. dubia.

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I noticed that my hissers are active at night. i would becareful not to mix my Blatta lateralis with the Gromphadorhina portentosa. I mixed my B. lateralis with my B. dubia in the past and the B. lateralis was attacking my molting B. dubia.

Thanks. I have each species in a separate container. The hissers seem to be doing OK. Still don't see them move much, even if I suddenly turn on the light, but I have noticed that they are in a different spot each time I check on them, so I guess everything is all right.

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