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Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) for gnat control

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Hi all,

Who can tell me if Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) is safe for our pet roaches ??

When I give my roaches a good soil I always have many gnat mosquito inside my home and I know that Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) is working to prevent mosquito

But i'm not sure if this is safe for our cockroach species is there anyone who know this or is there any research done about this ??


Tom van der Ende

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Hello everyone,

Today I started a study to see whether or not Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (BTI) is harmful to our pet cockroaches and woodlice
I prepared 4 test containers containing substrate that has been contaminated by gnat mosquitoes and placed 10 young cockroaches or woodlice in them to see whether BTI is harmful to our pets.

Container 1 (10 x Blaptica dubia)
Container 2 (10 x Blaberus cranifer)
Container 3 (10 x Lucihormetica verrucosa)
Container 4 (10 x Trichorhina tomentosa)

These are all set up and I added 12 ml of BTI to each container over the food and substrate and partly over the insects.
I will keep you informed of the results.
I chose young nymphs because they do not die quickly to exclude false data
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