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Blaberus boliviensis


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I really love this species. It's so uncommon, but it's definitely one of my favorites. :)



Beautiful pics. Please tell us why you like them so much in comparison to your other species. I've been thinking of trying these out, but they seem so similar to the fusca, parabolicus, discoidalis, colloseus, etc...

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They have that typical "Blaberus" look but all of mine have the sort of parabolicus build... Nice and stocky. They're okay handlers too.

They breed like wildfire and I've never seen one that wasn't plump.

Also, they have an interesting collage of colors; That big, black pronotum with the two little red dots and a woody brown on their wings.

They're just awesome. lol

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They have that typical "Blaberus" look but all of mine have the sort of parabolicus build... Nice and stocky. They're okay handlers too.

They breed like wildfire and I've never seen one that wasn't plump.

Also, they have an interesting collage of colors; That big, black pronotum with the two little red dots and a woody brown on their wings.

They're just awesome. lol

I would have to agree. If I had only 3 Blaberus, is would be B.giganteus, B.craniifer, and B.boliviensis. The boliviensis are better looking than discoids, etc., as thier stocky build and slightly richer colors is nicely enhanced by the addition of the two red spots. Nice roaches!

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  • 2 years later...

How do you tell them apart from other similar blaberus nymphs? I think I might have gotten a nymph but I'm not sure unless I see a nymph comparison. My nymph does an odd behavior of shaking and bites me, no other blaberus nymph does this and your species I've never owned before that's why I think it might be it.

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