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Hello All!!,

I am Andrew and I come from Tortoiseforum.org, I was referred by Roachman26 :) I currently do not own a cockroach but, am very interested.

Right now our Family consists of:

My Wife Michelle

My 2 sons - Ean and Gavin

Our Beta fish - Jack

An Alligator lizard- Car Wax

A Sulcata Tortoise- Hagrid

I have been reading around and I’m not sure what to be our first Roach pets Michelle wants the Domino Roach any pointers??

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Hello All!!,

I am Andrew and I come from Tortoiseforum.org, I was referred by Roachman26 :) I currently do not own a cockroach but, am very interested.

Right now our Family consists of:

My Wife Michelle

My 2 sons - Ean and Gavin

Our Beta fish - Jack

An Alligator lizard- Car Wax

A Sulcata Tortoise- Hagrid

I have been reading around and I’m not sure what to be our first Roach pets Michelle wants the Domino Roach any pointers??

Hello Andy! Welcome aboard. Thanks for joining us. I don't know how many posts you've read here, but Orin is sort of an icon/mentor/all knowing sage here. He's like the top ten, super-experienced mods and members at Tortoise forum all rolled into one. Bottom line is, he gives good advice.

Having said that, everyone here has their favorite species for a huge variety of reasons. I love Blaptica dubia and Blatta lateralis for their ease of care, "personalities" and rapid reproduction capabilities. Archimandrita tesselata, the peppered roach, is another of my favorites as the adults are big and pretty, but very calm and handleable. This is usually the one I give to my two year old daughter when she visits the roach room with me and wants to "hold a roach, Daddy!" All of the "hisser" species are long lived, hardy, and easy to care for. I've got a huge, old colony of the common Madagascar Hissing Roaches, G. portentosa. These aren't as pretty as the ones Orin suggested, but I'd be happy to send you a few, to get you started.

Anyhow the people here are all very friendly and helpful, Its a great forum. Have fun.

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Welcome! I have to say even though hissers get kind of a mundane reputation they really are quite beautiful in their own right. Of course there are some exceptionally beautiful hissers as well, tigers and black & white morphs especially in my opinion. I’m sure no matter what species you choose (I also really enjoy the peppereds) you’ll be enthralled with your new pet!

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Hello Andy! Welcome aboard. Thanks for joining us. I don't know how many posts you've read here, but Orin is sort of an icon/mentor/all knowing sage here. He's like the top ten, super-experienced mods and members at Tortoise forum all rolled into one. Bottom line is, he gives good advice.

Having said that, everyone here has their favorite species for a huge variety of reasons. I love Blaptica dubia and Blatta lateralis for their ease of care, "personalities" and rapid reproduction capabilities. Archimandrita tesselata, the peppered roach, is another of my favorites as the adults are big and pretty, but very calm and handleable. This is usually the one I give to my two year old daughter when she visits the roach room with me and wants to "hold a roach, Daddy!" All of the "hisser" species are long lived, hardy, and easy to care for. I've got a huge, old colony of the common Madagascar Hissing Roaches, G. portentosa. These aren't as pretty as the ones Orin suggested, but I'd be happy to send you a few, to get you started.

Anyhow the people here are all very friendly and helpful, Its a great forum. Have fun.

Well thank you very much .. .. it is going to be a while before I obtain a roach , i need to look up some more information on enclosures and such , but i have been moving for the past 2 days and have some cleaning/ setting up to do :) thanks again :) :)

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Welcome, Andrew!

Nobody mentioned the obvious...hissers hiss! 'Seeing' your pet is just one dimension of experiencing them. They're pretty weighty too, so you can actually feel them walking across your hand, etc.

I know you were very clear to say you were looking for pet roaches, but I am just curious...do your reptiles eat live bugs?

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I do have one reptile that is eating live crickets at the moment, he is a small alligator lizard, i do have plans on getting some bearded dragons though ........ so i will be in the market for some feeder roaches in due time

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