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Weird bug in a Dubia bin


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It's a dermestid beetle larva. They are harmless scavengers, and wouldn't be a problem as long as the numbers are small.

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Thanks Ralph. How would they have gotten in there? Any suggestions as to how to keep them out?


The beetles are agile fliers, so it could have arrived from just about anywhere and dropped into the roach bin to lay eggs. The best way to keep them out is to keep the bin covered with screen or a lid that has screen over any holes in it.

Despite my own covered bins, I have a few different species in most of them and accept it as a fact of life.

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Despite my own covered bins, I have a few different species in most of them and accept it as a fact of life.

Yeah you do. The little hitchhikers showed up at my place too. No dig deal. My venus fly trap loves them.

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