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ID needed for Paraguay roaches


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Let's see how much I know:

02 is Blaptica sp. (dubia?)

03 and 05 look like Periplaneta brunnea

I know I've seen 04 somewhere but I can't think of the name!

07 is a Pseudomops sp.

09 and 13 are Pycnoscelus sp., maybe surinamensis

14 and 15 appear to be a Blaberus nymph.

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#3 is Eublaberus sp. "Pantanal"

#5/6 are most likely Periplaneta fuliginosa

#7 very well could be Pseudomops; no idea on the range of them but maybe Hemithyrsocera?

#8/9 Pycnoscelus surinamensis

#10/11 look like they could be Blaberus but I wouldn't rule out Blaptica. If they are Blaberus they are most likely a B. craniifer relative.

On the unID'd ones...

6. Could be one of many things; If you can get a size it would help. I'm tempted to say it's another Eublaberus but something is pushing me more in the Byrsotria direction. (Note the resemblance to Byrsotria sp. "Darkly")

8. Onchyostylus sp.? No idea on the range of that genus.

10. I'm thinking some sort of Polyphagid? Full body pic, size, and whether or not the roach is mature would help.

12. (Shelfordella) Blatta lateralis? If it's smaller than once inch maybe Symploce or Episymploce? I have no idea on the range of the last two so they may not even be native to the continent.

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#3 is Eublaberus sp. "Pantanal"

#5/6 are most likely Periplaneta fuliginosa

#7 very well could be Pseudomops; no idea on the range of them but maybe Hemithyrsocera?

#8/9 Pycnoscelus surinamensis

#10/11 look like they could be Blaberus but I wouldn't rule out Blaptica. If they are Blaberus they are most likely a B. craniifer relative.

Note- these are numbered from left to right on the list as of the date/time on this post.

On the unID'd ones...

6. Could be one of many things; If you can get a size it would help. I'm tempted to say it's another Eublaberus but something is pushing me more in the Byrsotria direction. (Note the resemblance to Byrsotria sp. "Darkly")

8. Onchyostylus sp.? No idea on the range of that genus.

10. I'm thinking some sort of Polyphagid? Full body pic, size, and whether or not the roach is mature would help.

12. (Shelfordella) Blatta lateralis? If it's smaller than once inch maybe Symploce or Episymploce? I have no idea on the range of the last two so they may not even be native to the continent.

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