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s this a gyandromorph?


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I hope it is :) Anyone know where I can find more info on this? Im curious about how often they occur, if it could breed, if all are half male half female.

I think it's very rare; I've seen it twice in 4 years of keeping tens of thousands of roaches, once in Byrsotria sp. "Cuba" and once in Blaptica dubia. Most likely, it is infertile, however, you could test whether or not this is true by allowing it to be breed with an adult male or a virgin adult female.

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From what I see I'd be inclined to say NO. It might be but there's nothing in those images showing any evidence. It looks like a nymph and without the adult sexual features you have nothing to go on except for ventral segmentation which shows no sign. Gyandromorphs are nearly always infertile.

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I'm inclined to agree with Orin on this one... make sure you post some pics once it's adult!

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I'd be willing to have a look at it once it matures. I can get some nice close up images as well. Honestly though it's difficult to tell at this stage and as stated, nearly all are infertile. It's possible it's a chimera as well, basically it's its own twin conjoined in the the middle. Chimerism Is rare but it does happen. I imagine it would be possible in all life that starts out with sexual reproduction.

Heres a quick link from wiki. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimera_(genetics)?wasRedirected=true

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I am with you zephyr.. it is only present on one side but it is much easier to see in person. Good thinking Vfox, I will bring it along to a bug hunt :P. I was thinking chimera at first so thats what I named "him" when he arrived but I may have to change it. No matter what it is I plan on atleast giving it a chance to breed in hope of more whatever it is lol.

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