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Im from a country in northern europe called Sweden. I got my first roaches in 1993 (Blaberus fusca). At that time I studied at a school for zoo-keepers. Now I educate zoo-keepers myself at a agricultural school. I have studied biology at the university for about 4 years.

I breed some different species of roaches. Some are feeders and some are pets. Im allways looking for new and interesting species so if you like anything that I have, come with a suggestion on trade. Here follows a list on the species I keep.

Aeluropoda insignis

Archimandrita tesselata

"Bantua robusta", "Afican bullet roach"

Blaberus craniifer "black wing form"

Blaberus giganteus (Costa Rica)

Blaptica dubia

Byrsotria fumigata

Byrsotria rothi

Diploptera punctata

Elliptorhina chopardi

Ergaula capucina

Eublaberus distanti

Eublaberus posticus

Gromphadorhina oblongonata

Gyna lurida

Lucihormetica grossei

Lucihormetica subcinta

Lucihormetica verrucosa

Loboptera decipiens (Italy)

Opisthoplatia orientalis (Taiwan)

Ophistoplatia orientalis (Japan)

Oxyhaloa deutesta

Paranauphoeta formosana (Taiwan)

Neostylopyga rhombifolia

Panchlora nivea

Panchlora sp. (Playa del Carmen, Mexico)

Panesthia angustipennis angustipennis (Phillipines)

Panesthia angustipennis (South Vietnam)

Panesthia angustipennis (Taiwan)

Panesthia angustipennis spadica (Japan)

Panesthia australis (Phillipines)

Panesthinae sp. "red roach" (Phillipines)

Polyphaga sp. (Armenia)

Polyphaga sp. (Georgia)

Polyphaga obscura (Turkmenistan)

Princisia vanwerebecki "big black"

Princisia vanwerebecki "black and white"

Pycnoscelus femapterus

Therea grandjeani

Therea petiveriana

I hope to learn more about roaches and maybee gain some help with identification of some unidentified species that I keep.

Take care!


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Hi Daniel,

Welcome to the updated Allpet Roaches forum! That's a great list of species! What's the difference between O.orientalis from Taiwan and Japan? Is your Panchlora the species commonly known as P.sp. "giant". I've not seen a collection location for it (if that's it) before.

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There is no large difference between my two cultures of Opisthoplatia orentalis. They are just collected from two different sites.

The Panchlora sp from Playa del Carmen, Mexico is almost smaller than P. nivea and more brightly green.

Im glad to be here at the forum and I hope to get to know some fellow enthusiasts.

/ Daniel

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Welcome Daniel! What a great collection! Post some pics of your unidentified ones. I have a few that need ID too. I actually found them outside my work but nobody seems to know what they are. Maybe they're a new undiscovered species. (I wish!) Hehe.

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Thank you all for the nice words about my collection.

Regarding pictures I have a small problem. Im not very good at decreasing the size of the pictures and that sort of thing. I belive they would be very large and take a long time to download if I published them.

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Hi Daniel,

If you send the files to my email address, I can resize them for you and send them back to you. You can email other members by clicking on their name and then viewing their profile. On the bottom left side of the profile page there is a link for email contact.

We appreciate your contributions to the forum and I'm willing to help you with your photos.



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  • 6 months later...

I have updated my species list.


Aeluropoda insignis

Archiblatta hoeveni

Archimandrita tesselata

"Bantua robusta", "Afican bullet roach"

Blaberus atropos

Blaberus craniifer "black wing form"

Blaberus fusca

Blaberus giganteus

Blaberus sp. (Merida, Venezuella)

Blaptica dubia

Byrsotria fumigata

Byrsotria rothi

Byrsotria sp. (Cuba)

Diploptera punctata

Elliptorhina chopardi

Ergaula capucina

Eublaberus distanti

Eublaberus posticus

Eublaberus sp.

Eupolyphaga sinensis

Gromphadorhina oblongonata

Gyna lurida

Lucihormetica grossei

Lucihormetica subcinta

Lucihormetica verrucosa

Opisthoplatia orientalis (Taiwan)

Ophistoplatia orientalis (Japan)

Paranauphoeta formosana (Taiwan)

Neostylopyga rhombifolia

Panchlora sp. "big"

Panchlora sp. (Playa del Carmen, Mexico)

Panesthia angustipennis angustipennis (Phillipines)

Panesthia angustipennis yayeyamensis (Taiwan)

Panesthia angustipennis yayeyamensis (Japan)

Panesthia angustipennis cognata (Vietnam)

Panesthia angustipennis spadica (Japan)

Panesthia australis (Phillipines)

Polyphaga aegyptiaca

Polyphaga sp. (Armenien)

Polyphaga sp. (Georgien)

Polyphaga obscura (Turkmenistan)

Polyphaga sausseri

Pycnoscelus femapterus

Salganea sp. (Phillipines)

Salganea sp. (Taiwan)

Salganea taiwanensis taiwanensis (Japan)

Salganea taiwanensis taiwanensis (Taiwan)

Therea grandjeani

Therea petiveriana


Cave cricket, Phaeophilacris bredoides

Teleogryllus sp. (Taiwan)


Callosobruchus maculatus

Pachnoda sinuata


Aphonopelma steindachneri


Spirostretida sp. "Burma millipede"

Spirostreptida sp. "Ghana yellow banded"

Apeuthes sp. " Thailand red banded"

Ommatoiulus sp (Spain)

Julida sp. (Canada)

Archispirostreptus sp. (Cameroon)

Spirobolida sp. (Cameroon)

Spirobolida sp. (Taiwan)

Spirobulus sp. (Japan)

Land snails

Achantia fulica rodatzi

Achantia irredalei

Pomatias elegans (Italy)

Aquatic snails

Melanoidis tuberculata

Ramshorn snail, Planorbella sp. (blu, leopard, red, pink)

Physa sp.

Freshwater shrimp:

Red cherry, Neocaridina denticulata sinensis var. red

Taiwan pale blue, Neocaridina denticulata sinensis


Trichorhina tomentosa

Brown dwarf isopod, Isopoda sp.

Armadillidiidae sp. (Spain)

Porcellionidae sp.? (Spain)

Isopoda sp. (Spain)

Armadillidiidae sp. (Canada)

Porcellionidae sp.? (Canada)

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