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New roaches smaller than old ones

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I have a newish dubia colony. A few adults, lots of subadults. They're big. Today, I just got some new ones from someone else, and these are smaller. They're adults, just smallish ones.

I got new to add genetic diversity to strengthen my colony. But these ones seem weaker.

Are these smaller roaches this way genetically, or can it be from less nutrition, overcrowding?

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less nutrition, overcrowding?

Precisely. What's their current diet like? And upgrading to a bigger enclosure may also help.

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I don't have a clue what they were eating, I got them off ebay. I have mine on a grain free dog food (because that's what my dogs eat), oats, chicken feed, carrots, and then whatever fruits and veggies I have on hand.

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Ok, nevermind, I got the new ones home and compared, it seems they are the same size after all. The females are about 1/2 cm shorter, but not as much as it seemed when I first got them.

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That's good then! Wait... roaches off ebay? :o

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Yup, ebay. I've gotten lobster roaches and superworms there too. The lobsters didn't work out, too fast and skittery, and my gecko wouldn't eat them. I fed them off real quick to my sisters beardie. I love the dubias :).

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