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Hello from Eastern North Carolina


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Hi everyone. I am pretty new to keeping roaches, especially as pets. I had a small dubia colony a couple of years ago when I kept bearded dragons. At the time I really wasnt interested in inverts, so I never really looked at them as anything other than feeders. I recently started another feeder colony of dubia for some of my herps and tarantulas. This time I started watching them a little more and before long I realized that there was so much more to them than just feeders. Now I have the small dubia colony, a small group of mad hissers, and a lobster roaches will be arriving Friday. I am also planning on adding B. craniifer, Tiger hissers, and A. tesselata to the collection in the coming weeks. So I guess you can say I have caught the roach "bug". Sorry I know its corny, but I couldnt resist. Look forward to getting to know some of yall, and learning more about roaches.


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