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Feed this to your Dubia (secret food weapon) :)


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If you want to fatten your Dubias or have limited food resources, feed them this baby food flavor! They will swarm over it I use it for my colony with excellent results. Alternate with fresh fruits, vegetables, and pet kibble for best results.



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I actually use the dry baby cereal that comes in a box. It is much cheaper and much less messy. There are oatmeal, rice, whole wheat, etc. based ones, and several contain fruit which makes it sweeter and more attractive to the roaches. I use this regularly, along with things like granola, wheat bran, ground flaxseed, and a few other things I can't remember right now lol. I don't find dog or cat food to be an appropriate food for roaches, but I know that is a controversial subject, and obviously just my opinion. Fruits and veggies are used to provide moisture.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

Unfortunately, my nymphs would probably drown in it as some of them did in yogurt. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

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Unfortunately, my nymphs would probably drown in it as some of them did in yogurt. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

I have a solution to that! Get a piece of white bread, or a whole slice, and spread the baby food over the bread like you would peanuts butter or jelly. This way they don't drown, and they eat baby food as well as bread so a big meal for them!

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  • 1 month later...

I actually use the dry baby cereal that comes in a box. It is much cheaper and much less messy. There are oatmeal, rice, whole wheat, etc. based ones, and several contain fruit which makes it sweeter and more attractive to the roaches. I use this regularly, along with things like granola, wheat bran, ground flaxseed, and a few other things I can't remember right now lol. I don't find dog or cat food to be an appropriate food for roaches, but I know that is a controversial subject, and obviously just my opinion. Fruits and veggies are used to provide moisture.

You are absolutly right about the dog food and cat food. high amounts of protien canbe deadly to dubia roaches and also prevent reproduction. I have many sources to back this theory up as well as several home studies i have conducted myself. The idea of roaches needing a high diet of protien is only based of assumtion there are no facts to back it up. remember i am only referencing B dubia in my statements.

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rapashey did a study wile formulating his bug burger product very good read but seems I can never find it when this comes up lol

wile this study was done on B.Dubia im sure it would hold true for the majority of roach species.

his studies show the same thing higher protein diets on not good for roaches actually can be fatal and even further they could potentially be hazardous to feed to your animals.

we started out using dog and cat food mixes,then switched to a wholesale product we purchased from a website that worked great (grain based) all over improvement

from there we formulated our own chow that we use for all our roach species some dont eat it but its still offered these are species that eat more leaves and dead woods

for our feeder species this is all they feed on and they eat a ton in the last two months we have used about 75lbs of our chow

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  • 2 months later...

Ive been using a Chow made mainly from Alfalfa, Wheat Bran and Oat Bran. I add to that some potato, soy, hemp seed, flax seed. dried fruits and kelp.

They love it and are breeding and growing well. (As far as I can tell. Im not an expert)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Off the top of my head, I think Rapashey came up with 10-12% max, or whatever is in his current formula of Bug Burger. I have all my roaches on a grain based dry food mix, which some ingredients of are around 18% protein themselves but being that this is plant matter it may affect availability of that protein to some extent.

Mine only get small amounts of cat food as treats. With dry food, they're more interested in the fat and powder(flavoring + vitamin) coating, anyways.

Yes, my older smaller orange head males have some wing bites but I highly doubt protein has anything to do with this.

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