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What Blaberus hybrids exist?

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I know Aaron Pauling sells some manner of hybrids,but they aren't labelled as far as what's in the cross IIRC.

Blaberus.com used to sell a kind of hybrid as well--fusca x cranifer IIRC,but now that he doesn't selll anymore I can't check the site to see.

I know Greg's Exotics used to as well, I think it was discoidalis x bolivensis?

I just wonder if there are multiple hybrids? Ie, discoidalis x bolivensis x cranifer x fusca.

I don't know that much about hybrids,but I'm interested in using them as feeders down the road, just for curiousity's sake.

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  • 2 years later...

That paper is fascinating, love the methodology... it would appear that viable hybrids weren't observed at all among the Blaberus species attempted? B. fusca is noticeably absent form this list, and usually involved in alleged hybridizations... I'm going to dig some more, I have access to the EBSCO again with my new teaching job! :)

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Very interesting paper, especially that it is from 1970 and so well documented! Definitely spurs the mind to wonder what other hybrids may be possible. Of course, only in a controlled environment and not circulated throughout the hobby.

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Here's a though... someone design a WELL PLANNED google spreadsheet where anonymous users are able to document hybrids that they have observed (along with their contact info) and use this to generate a list of potential possible hybrids from user experiences.

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