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A Random Thought


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So i was thinking today. I like dark warm places, I'm the most active at night, and i cant fly or climb. I think this is why have gotten into such a interest roaches (even though some can fly an climb). What makes you most interested in them?

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Roaches are despised and horrifies the most steroid pumped manly man reducing them in to shreeking lil girls. When you hold them in ur hands, they don't hurt, they don't bring the plague, they just do what they do. I think this says something about mankind.

i love their functionality and efficiency. They are are my pets, composers and food for my reptiles. So easy to care for that even the most lazy and incompetent person is more than capable of culturing them. And finally they are cheap. Im not paying hundreds of $ or more for ball python morphs but i can have an array of different roaches for a few bucks. Oh and blatticulturists themselves are good folk. Probably something to do with loving the most hated thing in existence.

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They're fascinating, beautiful, they scuttle about in a curious, friendly sort of way when you pick them up. They've barely cost me a penny since the day they arrived, and they make no mess, leave no discernable odour and make no noise, so my landlord and housemates will never know about them.

That and I can give them ridiculous names (Matilda, Shanty and Smaug) and not have to feel embarrassed shouting it across the park or across gardens like I would with a dog or a cat! :lol:

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They're docile, and some get fairly large.

I used to think cockroaches were horrible little beasts with a cynical agenda, and even now I refuse to handle the classic American cockroach (even though I actually find it beautiful in its overall coloration).

Good, low maintenance pets.

Even then, you should give day-to-day attention and care for all of your roaches.


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There are a lot of different species, and they all have different interesting characteristics. They don't bite, or sting. They're easy to care for, and relatively cheap. They'll eat anything, and they live peacefully together.

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Trying to get a little movement on the board? (a good thing) :)

Sort of the same reason I'm interested in all insects and entomology in general: Adults aren't supposed to like bugs, they're gross. More so if you're a "girl". I've never followed common conventions like that on how I should think and behave, and it has me pegged as weird. I might as well own it and enjoy myself. ;)

So if it's creepy, gross, scary, etc - I push myself to deal with it. I've never seen all roaches as any of these, having always known that not every species is a pest. Roaches in general are easy to keep and can be handled, not like the Scolopendra heros or widows I've kept.

I still dislike earwigs, though. The cricket sized northern species are not present here, and boy did I get a surprise when I lived in Michigan. They'd be in the dishes, in my bed ... in my pillow. Weird little things.

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