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What Hisser do I have?


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If it is a little red on the "shoulders" it will be a p vanweirbecki "tricolor", if not then it´s a p vanweirbecki "black and white".

You can't see in the photo, but he does have some red. Cool so he's a tricolor I love the coloring of him!

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look at the pronotum, it's Gromphadorhina genus, clearly. Matter is... wich species? Most of them can show incredible colours... I have a couple of roaches looking like this, they've been indentified as a form of Gromphadorhina portentosa


For you this is a Portentosa, wht you see that makes you say that this is not a P. vanweirbeck ?

I think Portentosa can´t get yellow.


You are asking what species you have.

How did you get a species that you don´t know ?

Normally the seller says what he is selling to you.

What did he said ?

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look at the pronotum, it's not a Princisia, it's not indented... Typically a Gromphadorhina pronotum.

I've never said they are portentosa, I've just said that that it looks like some of my portentosa. When I buy that kind of species, I never put a name on it until it has been clearly identified by a friend of mine, working at the insectarium Jean-Leclercq here in Belgium. It's very difficult to identify them, all the species looks the same and it's easier for him than for me to access serious litterature about those roaches.

Gromphadorhina portentosa display loads of colours, and remember that colour is NEVER a serious critter to identify anything ;)

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look at the pronotum, it's not a Princisia, it's not indented... Typically a Gromphadorhina pronotum.

While you're not exactly wrong in general, Gromphadorhina portentosa wild specimens can have indented pronotums and "princisia" wild specimens do not always have a dent which may be why every worker trying to revise this genus in the last two decades has given up.
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