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Do Hemiblabera tenebricosa do well in mud?

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Just wondering, why do you ask?

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Just wondering, why do you ask?

I have a aquarium and I made it have wet dirt and I put some S. lateralis. I liked the Horshoe Crab Roach in the pictures. The name made me think about putting them in that aquarium.
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Lobster Roaches do not do well in a place like my aquarium because they go into the water as if it was not there and they drown quickly (or it is something that makes them freeze when they get into water) and they cannot swim.

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Just because they are semi aquatic dose not mean they live in perpectual wetness.

Epilampra is the genus your thinking of but they are not designed to live in water or perpectual wetness. They are not diving beetles or water bugs.

Toad bugs would be great in a riparian set up.

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Yeah, the picture I saw of that roach in costa rica was on the edge beside a damselfly larva. They did not say what genus it was though. Do the Hemiblabera tenebricosa drown easily?

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Thanks for the videos! The roaches look like they are trying to get out..lol

Happy1982 I don't know if they drown easily but I imagine they would drown like any other roach that is not designed to live in and around water.

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Yes - some of her videos look like at least one of the roaches is stuck face-down in the water! I read as much as I could and it looks like these roaches live in a swampy area in Japan.

Somewhat better equipped than the American that I found in my dog's water bowl last summer. I took him outside and let him go. I'd have kept him if I only knew that a few months later I'd be a "Roach Hobbyist!"

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