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Barrier for baby hissers


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I just realized when I clean out my tank I have nowhere to put my baby hissers as when I move them to a temp tank they can climb out! What can I use so they won't climb out of my temp plastic critter keeper? Is Vaseline safe?

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You can use a tupperware as a temporary tank, you just need to make micro perfurations on the tupperware cover.

The cover is air tight so no problem.

It works for me.

I still need a barrier or they will crawl along the top and I won't be able to shut the cover.

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I'm sorry, I'm going to copy and paste and slightly edit this from another, similar thread that I posted on because I'm revising and don't have time to type it out :P

I used something similar to a critter keeper, and I realised any nymphs would be able to escape, so I bought a pair of women's tights, tied the legs together and cut them off above the knot (so no holes for escaping) and stretched the remaining crotch-part over the tank, then fitted the lid over the top. Allows ventilation to pass through, but not the nymphs, and it's synthetic, so they don't really bother chewing it, and it just pops on and off in a second.

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Yep, Vaseline works just fine! :) You can wash it off with hot water and a good grease-killing dishsoap in case you need to use the container for something else later. Just wipe off the heavy stuff with a dry paper towel first to make it easier to wash.

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