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species intergration

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Posted by Steven on 2/27/2006, 9:20 pm

Can Blatella germanica mate with Blatta lateralis? Need to know as I found a fat german roach in my main lateralis colony. And I noticed some of the new nymphs DO NOT look like lateralis nymphs. Thanks in advance of any helpful info


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Posted by Olivia on 2/28/2006, 3:35 pm, in reply to "species intergration"

I would say no. Blatella and Blatta belong to different roach families, so I doubt they're closely related enough to be able to hybridize. Even within the same genus, most insects can't interbreed. Insects have a lock-and-key mechanism between male and female genital parts, so they're anatomically species-specific when it comes to mating. In terms of taxonomy, sometimes shape of genitalia is what defines different species (like with Drosophila). And then it gets even more complicated than that because insects also have species-specific courtship rituals (wing flapping, tapping, dancing, etc.) with subtle differences that set each species apart.

Link: www.BugChick.com

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