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Roaches in Idaho?

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Does anybody know if there are any non-pest cockroaches in Idaho? I have been looking and have found no roaches in Idaho ( not even "pest" species! ) thanks in advance!

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Well it seems that no cockroaches are found in Idaho... This range map of Blattodea shows that no cockroaches are found there http://bugguide.net/node/view/342386/data. That might explain why you haven't found any where you live. However, I found this other website where someone found some of the pest species in Idaho http://kezj.com/magic-valley-cockroaches/.

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The map on Bugguide just gathers information from the pictures that are put there on Bugguide. So it could be that just nobody posted a picture on Bugguide of a cockroach from Idaho.

Thanks, I didn't know that :) I don't use bugguide often.

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IDK when i was little my dad bought a trailer in Jerome and we had to get it bombed before we moved in cause it was EXTREMELY infested with cockroaches... what kind i have no idea i was like 6 or 7.... but i dont know bud.... What part of Idaho are u in I live in Lewiston.. well right across the river in Clarkston

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Shadowrecon2 were the roaches bright orange?

yeah i think they were, not like crazy orange but yeah definitely a orange color.

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Were they big? Were they a little dull colored? Did they have some markings that stood out or were they just like one solid color?

I honestly dont remember all the exact details but they were orangish in color, there were actually pretty small maybe no bigger than an inch, thats about all i remember

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I honestly dont remember all the exact details but they were orangish in color, there were actually pretty small maybe no bigger than an inch, thats about all i remember

Might be Parcoblatta males. When I came here to America I was in a small house and there were woods all around. At night I would see big bunches of Parcoblatta males flying around bushes (not really attracted to the lights near by) which I think were P. uhleriana and maybe some of the unidentified species (I do not remember ones that look like them but I did not even know about Parcoblatta then).
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That would be cool, the Parcoblatta sp interest me. ( but then again, all roaches do :P ) I will definitely keep an eye out for them.

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  • 7 years later...
On 1/9/2014 at 5:54 PM, Hisserdude said:

So it is possible that there could be roaches in idaho! :D I will try hard to find some. thanks!

i live in sugar city,idaho and let me tell you i have tons of cockroaches, little ones , average ones , for example the german one . i cannot get rid of 

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  • 3 months later...
On 3/13/2021 at 8:47 AM, zaya said:

i live in sugar city,idaho and let me tell you i have tons of cockroaches, little ones , average ones , for example the german one . i cannot get rid of 

That surprises me TBH, have yet to see any Blattella here in ID, I just found my first pest species ever this year, (Blatta orientalis), after living in ID for nearly 10 years!

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