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what isopods do you keep?


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What kind of isopods do you guys keep? I keep: Armadillidim vulgare, Oniscus asellus, Porcellionides pruinosus, Cylisticus convexus, and a container containing 1 Porcellio scaber, 1 Trachelipus rathkii, and one very pregnant unknown sp. I will post some pics soon. See ya! :D

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Cool. I have...

Armadillidium nasatum “peach” (Peach Pill Bug)

Armadillidium maculatum (Zebra Pill Bug)

Armadillidium vulgare (Common Pill Bug)

Porcellio dilatatus (Giant Canyon Sow Bug)

Porcellio scaber “dalmatian” (Dalmatian Sow Bug)

Porcellio scaber “orange” (Orange Sow Bug)

Scientific Name Unknown (Jungle Micropod Sow Bug)

Trachelipus rathkii “dalmation” (Dalmatian Sow Bug)

Trichorhina tomentosa (Dwarf White Sow Bug)

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Thomas: That's funny, cause both of them reproduce by parthenogenesis, so you will soon have many dwarf isopods ;)

Mrcrackerpants: Nice collection, I really love the zebra pillbugs!

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You'll be feeding them to stuff before you know it.

NEVER!!!! ; )

I noticed the Peaches popped. I have many juveniles. The Zebras have not reproduced yet. They seem to be a little slower. Have you noticed this or is it another variable? The Zebras were younger that the Peaches I got from you. This might be it. : )

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NEVER!!!! ; )

I noticed the Peaches popped. I have many juveniles. The Zebras have not reproduced yet. They seem to be a little slower. Have you noticed this or is it another variable? The Zebras were younger that the Peaches I got from you. This might be it. : )

Lol! Can you post some pics of your isopods?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's some photos of my isopods.

Armadillidium Vulgare

(First two pics are of an unsual one I found in my colony.)







Cylisticus Convexus:





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I'm going to try to upload a video of my isopods here.

These are my Porcellionides pruinosus. They're too fast to capture in a photo.

(Edited to add: Looks like you have to click on the image to view the video on photobucket. Not sure how to embed it directly on the forum.)

Hope you enjoy!


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I currently have:

A. vulgare

A. nasatum

a ludicrous amount of Porcellionides pruinosus

And two, as of now unidentified species. Both were collected along the Alabama Gulf coast back last summer. One I believe might be the same species as Kyle's Oniscidae sp. "Florida Fast."



The other is some variety of very small pillbug. The best guess Kyle and I have is Venezillo sp, but we aren't sure. Good news is both of these species seem to be reproducing alright. I started with only a pair of the pillbugs and I have about a dozen now.



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I currently have:

A. vulgare

A. nasatum

a ludicrous amount of Porcellionides pruinosus

And two, as of now unidentified species. Both were collected along the Alabama Gulf coast back last summer. One I believe might be the same species as Kyle's Oniscidae sp. "Florida Fast."



The other is some variety of very small pillbug. The best guess Kyle and I have is Venezillo sp, but we aren't sure. Good news is both of these species seem to be reproducing alright. I started with only a pair of the pillbugs and I have about a dozen now.



Offhand those are both identified in the big isopod book, floridana and parvus. My parvus are around 1/3 orange (culture not individual).
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  • 2 months later...

We keep armadillidium vulgare,a.nasatum,a.depressum.a.pictum.a.pulchellum.androniscus dentiger.trichoniscus pusillus.oniscus asellius.philoscia muscorum.porcellio scaber.p.pruinosus.cylisticus convexus.

We have p.scaber in oranger and red mottled as well as normal grey.

We have a.vulgar in gold mottled .chocalate and normal too.

We have p.muscorum in gold,red,orange and normal

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