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Close-up Photographs of Phidippus audax


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Check these guys out!! :D


Adult Male


Adult Male


Adult Male


Adult Male


Adult Male


Adult Male


Adult Male

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Adult Female


Adult Female


Adult Female


Adult Female

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Riight?? I just love their little wavy "eyelash" hairs that stick out of the top of their heads. And their eyes convey so much intelligence, even though they're just little round balls. You really feel like you're looking into the eyes of something that's analyzing and trying to understand you back.

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I think I read somewhere that jumping spiders are the most intelligent arthropods. I don't remember where I read it originally, but I did find an article on wikipedia that said something similar to what I had read. It is in the first paragraph of the article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portia_(genus)#cite_note-1

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Check this out: an herbivorous jumping spider!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagheera_kiplingi

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If you get a really fat, gravid female, they're usually too heavy to jump, in which case they can be handled exactly like a calm, fuzzy tarantula!

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Portia sp. is definitely on the upper end of intelligent inverts. It really amazing how diverse the salticids are. Phenomenal group. And they make awesome pets too :)

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Stunning pictures of my favorite spiders! Are these two pets or just brought in for the pictures?

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I've got a small "colony" of these spiders, about 30 or so individuals. I'm selectively breeding them for color and large body size. I'm currently waiting on two females to lay egg sacks.

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