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Rhino Roaches


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Be careful in your choice of eucalyptus because I've heard that the wrong species can kill your roach. I believe any hardwood leaf is fine for these guys. I'll have to try to find that article again...once I find it I'll let you know.

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Do Rhino Roaches eat other leaves other than Eucalyptus ? Do they eat anything else other than leaves, ie. veggies/fruits , dried dog/cat food ? If all they eat is Eucalyptus then I'll have to order them online by the lbs... LOL

Some european breeders use oak leaves and it apparently works about as good as eucalyptus leave. If not, better!

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Yea use oak or some other hardwood leaf, they are much easier to get, and are much more safe to feed your roaches. They will also eat dog food and fruits and veggies, but they may need dead leaves to grow properly.

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Rotten wood is not necessary in this species diet, but it couldn't hurt. You should heat treat the wood first, to get rid of any pests that may be hiding inside.

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