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Paint roaches can't climb


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I'm finishing a 4.5 foot tall lizard cage. It's going to have lots of natural dirt, logs, leaves etc. I'm going to have roaches and bugs living inside and don't want them to be able to climb up into the lighting or out lighting holes in the top. Is there any paint or something I could apply at the top that's slippery enough to keep them from climbing it? I can make it sealed with screen vents if needed, but would rather not.

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Would a type of varnish work? Is there a strip of something I could buy and glue down around the top?

It doesn't need to contain the good climbing varieties but the more slippery the better. I'll probably start a climbing colony if it will though.

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Do they make hard, slick teflon tape? I've only used the stretchy stuff for plumbing which doesn't seem like it would work well.

I use packing tape for my rubbermade bins that dubias can climb. It would work. I can probably just glue it on to make it permanent. Does packing tape stop all the non climbing species? I'd like to get a Eublaberus next. Red Runners are terrible climbers so that's nice.

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I wouldn't use vaseline if the temps are going to be that high, it will just melt and run. I would either go with a completely closed off enclosure, or use a species of cockroach that doesn't climb glass. But since I'm a sucker for climbers, I would just do the screen vent idea.

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