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Macro Leopard Gecko Photos


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:) I've been playing around with a new lens. Got some nice photos of my leopard gecko, Kirk! Would be excited to see photos of your geckos as well, if you have any to share.




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@Keith Thanks, Keith! :) You totally should; I'd love to see what you'd take.

@Forcep No flash! :3 I actually have a light box set up for photography and a small lamp with a bright halogen bulb and the ability to aim the light. It's something I use when take photos of items or insects anyway. It just happens to make for great gecko photos as well!

@Acro I definitely will when I take them! I don't really handle Kirk unless he specifically asks to be picked up, which is rare. I did get a couple photos of his tongue out, but it's blurry! I will try to get a good one where you can see it, though. :)

This is an older photo which isn't macro, but he is licking his nose! ;)https://scontent-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10574348_10205060118170368_4559435700520049577_n.jpg?oh=dd504cfd8373bb6d040b21fd3f7b019a&oe=55CC2F85

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I am a behavioral zoologist, I got the morning geckos because I thought they might be a fun and practical species to work with. Their care is easy (room temperature, reasonable humidity, bugs, fruit and gecko fruit paste), they are social, very vocal and do a lot of things, and their individual variability should be low (since they are more or less all clones). I only have two right now, but one is making her first eggs (you can see a lot about their health just by looking at their skin, everything is pretty visible because the skin is a bit transparent). They are pretty fun, I'm eager to have more. Not sure if I will do any research with them or not, that is something way off in the future. (I would also have to have many more). I've had them for about 6 months but I've only touched them once or twice. They are pretty relaxed but they aren't a species you can pick up easily.

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