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Little bit of a Christmas miracle!

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So I only have three Pseudomops septentrionalis left, two adults and one nymph. One adult has been mature for a little over two months now. The other just molted a few weeks ago. I thought they were both male, seeing as I had not seen any mating activity or any sort of egg laying. Just checked the cage today and found the newer adult laying a nice big ooth!!! :) Looks like I may be able to breed this species yet! :D

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@Matttoadman: Haha, I should shouldn't I! :P

@Cariblatta: Yeah, got them as a free starter colony from Kyle. He sent 9, (or at least I received 9), a few died mysteriously and a few seemed to have escaped... pretty lucky that I got a pair to mate before they all died out! :)

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Here's another little miracle, last night my sister saw something moving on the floor, she told me "there's a roach on the floor". I had just checked my Rhabdoblatta formosana cage which is full of skittish and flighty adults, so I thought it must be one of those. I look on the floor and see my SOLE ADULT FEMALE Pseudomops septentrionalis running across the floor. I caught her and put her in an escape proof cage.

If my sister had not happened to look on the floor, my female would have escaped and died in the house, and I would lose this species. It was a freaking miracle she saw it before it got under the furniture.

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It sure is! :) Just escape proofed their enclosure today, no more roaches will escape from that container... EVER! Muahahahahahaha! :lol:

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Thanks, I got my fingers crossed! ;) Hopefully there will be no other mishaps with these guys, it's like the world is trying as hard as it can to stop me from keeping this species!

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