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Hello from Pennsylvania


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Hey there, I'm completely new to keeping roaches! I am currently in school and plan to eventually get a masters in entomology. Sadly the insects/arachnids I can keep are limited as I still live with my parents and they aren't really huge fans of the whole thing. I would really appreciate advice if you guys have any to offer. I currently have 10 juvenile dubias and 4 adult hissers. Really glad to have joined this forum!

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Welcome to the forum! We're certainly glad to have you hear and awesome that you're shooting for a Master's in entomology! That's a fun path to go down and can be very enjoyable (I just got my Master's in ento in August :) ).

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Welcome! :) Hopefully your parents will become more accepting of your hobby, after a while lots of parents do. Just get them to hold some of your hissers, that is what forever changed my mom's perspective of roaches!

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Welcome to the forum! :) A career in entomology would be a really cool one to have!

Just get them to hold some of your hissers, that is what forever changed my mom's perspective of roaches!

You're lucky Hisserdude, I can't even get either of my parents to hold one of my hissers! :D

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Welcome to the forum. :) My wife hasnt held any of my roaches except for my peppered roaches. I think they are the biggest favorite of any of my quests. They are a lil pricy but are great for breaking the ice.

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Welcome to the forum! :) A career in entomology would be a really cool one to have!

You're lucky Hisserdude, I can't even get either of my parents to hold one of my hissers! :D

Yeah, my mom rocks! :) Hopefully your mom will come around too!

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