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Exchanging species

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Posted by Daniel Lundblad on 9/12/2006, 6:30 pm


I would like to trade species with other enthusiasts. I will not sell any roaches, I only trade. Preferably inside EU.

Regards, Daniel

Here follows my species list:

Archimandrita tesselata

Blaberus craniifer "black wing form"

Blaberus discoidales?

Blaberus fusca

Blaberus giganteus?

Blaptica dubia

Byrsotria fumigata

Byrsotria rothi

Deropeltis paulinoi

Deropeltis sp. "Mombasa"

Diploptera punctata

Elliptorhina chopardi

Ergaula capucina

Eublaberus distanti

Gromphadorhina portentosa

Gyna lurida

Lucihormetica subcinta

Lucihormetica verrucosa

Opisthoplatia orientalis

Oxyhaloa sp. (South Africa)

Neostylopyga rhombifolia

Panchlora nivea

Panchlora sp. "big"

Panesthia angustipennis (South Vietnam)

Polyphaga sp. (Armenia)

Polyphaga obscura (Turkmenistan)

Princisia vanwaerebecki "big black form"

Princisia vanwaerebecki "tiger stripe form"

Pycnoscelus femapterus

Schultesia lampiridiformes

Shelfordella tartara

Therea sp. "grandjeani"


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Posted by Bri. on 9/13/2006, 6:24 am, in reply to "Exchanging species"

Hi Daniel.

That is quite an impressive list. Shame you will not sell, only trade. Roaches other than the normal feeders are very hard to find in the UK which is why I have to import a lot of mine (even somthing as simple as P. nivea - thanks for those Dexter). I'd have been very interested in some of your list.




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Posted by Daniel Lundblad on 9/13/2006, 12:33 pm, in reply to "Re: Exchanging species"

Hi Bri!

What species do you keep? Maybee you have something that interests me. For example some Blaberus giganteus that realy for sure is B. giganteus would be of interest for me.

Wish species are you interested in?

Regards, Daniel

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Posted by Bri. on 9/13/2006, 2:09 pm, in reply to "Re: Exchanging species"

My collection started as mainly feeder roaches. It is only recently I've started moving into other areas such as the more interesting roaches.

My own list is small compared to yours, almost all the roaches I have you have all ready. The likes of the craniifer, fusca and discoidales I only have in small numbers with the hope of building into a stable colony.

I'm hoping to get hold of colonies of tesselata,rhombifolia, polyphaga obscura, and Therea at some point. Finding sufficient numbers is always difficult.

What are Panchlora "big" ?

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Posted by Daniel Lundblad on 9/13/2006, 6:15 pm, in reply to "Re: Exchanging species"


Panchlora sp. "big" is simular to P. nivea, but they are larger and the green color is lighter.

What species do you keep that I dont?

Archimandrita tesselata I have a surplus of. My Neostylopyga rhombifolia is not large enough yet. Polyphaga obscura is a quiet rare roach. The colony contains only females (partenogenetic), but still grows very slowly.

Regards, Daniel

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Posted by I. Fritzsche on 9/13/2006, 10:38 pm, in reply to "Re: Exchanging species"

Hi Daniel and Bri,

Panchlora sp. big it would be maybe the same as BCG 56 Panchlora cf. viridis.

Both Panchlora spp. will be available at the BCG meeting on the 1.10.2006 in London! (see 2. BCG meeting in an other point on this massage board! - there is the agenda enclosed)

See you Ingo


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Posted by Bri. on 9/14/2006, 5:23 pm, in reply to "Re: Exchanging species"

Hi Daniel I have :

Panchlora nivea

Shelfordella tartara or Blatta lateralis depending on which name you choose.

Blaberus craniifer (black wing form)

Blaberus discoidales?

Blaberus fusca

Blaptica dubia

Eublaberus prosticus

Polyphaga aegypticus

Byrsotria fumigata

Phaetalia pallidus

What I want to find if possible are :

Archimandrita tesselata

Lucihormetica subcinta

Polyphaga obscura

Therea sp. "grandjeani"

Therea petriveriana

and a few others !!

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