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Wild caught Isopods


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The weather has been warmer here (about 74 today) so found around 90 more isopods in the past 2 days!   I finally figured out why people bother to put in edging stones on raised flower beds, it has nothing to do with astetics - it's all about making places for isopods to hide!   (I'm waiting for my neighbors to question why I go out daily and flip the top row of them one by one while carring around a small container!)


Then I did some seporating today

P. scabers
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Nastrums and a vulgare I need to get him and a few of his buddies out of that container tomorrow cause I didn't realize what they were until I looked at the photos.   Plan to seporate those ones with the different coloration off and see what I can do with them.Image may contain: food and outdoor








I seporated out what I think are my vulgares too and forgot to take photos.   


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Nice, I got a ton of A.vulgare here, but I have yet to see a single A.nasatum, hopefully I'll find some one day. I really like collecting all the different species I can, so far I've caught A.vulgare, Oniscus asellus, Porcellio scaber, Cylisticus convexus, Porcellionides pruinosus, and Trachelipus rathkii. :) The rest of my isopod species are ones I had to buy from other people. 

Good luck breeding yours, P.scaber are really prolific and fast growing, Armadillidium are much slower growing though, especially A.vulgare.

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