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To have roaches for the roaches themselves?


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Hi, to have roaches for the roaches themselves? i mean not only to have them lonely as live food, but yes as true pets themselves. I mean for love to the roaches. Thanks.

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I'm sure most on this forum do. I got my first ones for feeders but now I think them more than the frogs I was feeding. I only use some as feeders to keep the population under control.

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I think there are more pet species of roaches than feeders, many people like to keep them as pets including me:D

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I've only ever had roaches as pets (three hisser species - E. javanica, G. portentosa, and another Gromphadorhina species which looks most like oblongonota but is probably some sort of hybrid as they weren't sold to me as a pure species). I just couldn't bear the thought of feeding them to another creature, I find them far too cute! :)

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I'm only using one of my 30+ species as feeders at the moment. ;) There's no doubt, there are WAY more species in this hobby for the roach enthusiast than there are for the person only interested in breeding feeders.

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I started with two female hissers as pets. I liked them enough to get two more. I moved them out of a critter keeper and into a glass "display" tank (they rarely come out of hiding, though). One of my first two gave birth a few weeks ago, and after downsizing the number of nymphs, I have a total of nine adorable cockroaches. I refer to them as my babies and my babies' babies! There are even more on the way. I saw mama roach making an ootheca last night. I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of more nymphs, but I have some time to figure out what I'll do.

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Certainly, I was completely caught off guard by my Periplaneta americana colony, their general activity level, and the fact they got used to being active during daytime made them fun to watch, I liked them more than the scorpion I never saw lol.

I imagine a small red runner colony would be just as amusing, give the roaches bridges to crossed and make the hiding places in such a way that they can crawl in and out of them. It's really fun to watch them just moving through them.

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Matttoadman, Redmont, Hisserdude, BlattaAnglicana, All About Insects, Friday and Tleilaxu.  Many thanks for your replies. Regards.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Was browsing Craig'sList for glass tanks when I came upon an ad from my neighbour, and found out he was offering hissers for sale.  Forgot all about the tanks and jumped on that immediately.  They were sort-of acquired as feeders for some toads I don't yet have, but might get someday. 

Dang, they are huge.  Looks like Jurassic Park in that tub.  If I were going to feed off any of the adults, I'd need an ostrich.  No babies yet.  I guess they count as pets until I end up with too many.

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