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Keeping Dubia Roaches with red-Runners


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Just marking this to keep up with the updates, I'm looking into possibly doing much the same, as I really don't want to take up another container for feeder roaches. Glad to hear it's going well so far. Mostly interested in whether they breed fine. 

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  • 3 months later...

They can live perfectly fine together, but Turkish are pest in the end. I raise my roaches in a facility so I can't avoid 'free roaches'. Turkish and Dubia have been mixed often here and never have any problem except when you go to sift your dubias you gotta sift out the red runners as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've found about half my escaped RR males wound up in my open dubia bin on their own, probably going for their food / humidity.  It was really strange at first.  I prefer they stay separate.  Incidentally, the buffalo beetles I put in the dubia bin somehow also made it into the RR and the two hisser bins.  I guess they don't bother the RR ooths but I don't know that for  sure.  Now I have a sorting challenge with all these beetles in the mix.

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  • 3 years later...

Have the beetles in the Dubia bins and hopefully they will want to remain with the Dubai's.  Because I have substrate for the hissers I'm not going to place the beetles in their containers.  As for the RR's and Orange heads that I'm waiting for, I'm not sure what I will do. 

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