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Does anyone keep blattella germanica "auburn black"?

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I learned about the solid black german roaches from roachcrossing.com and I've been intrigued since. I currently have a colony of normal B. germanica that actually need to be rehoused. But there isn't a whole lot of information about them. I kinda want some and will probably get some in the future. I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about them or had some pictures. I've only really seen one image of them and I would like to see some more. Are they worth keeping? I really enjoy my normal B. germanica so I think I would enjoy them. 

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I need to remember to get regular B. germanica, which is easy because they are a pest in my house. I would caution you on special breeds of pest species in your house because, unless you obtained them in-state, they are regulated by the USDA. It could cause a problem if they escaped and proliferated. 

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Most people's cultures died out, the black germanica are actually pretty sensitive, definitely couldn't infest a normal human home and are very sensitive to lapses in care... I think @Bmaines96 either has a colony or will be getting a starter culture very soon, can't remember... 

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